The eleven-x SPS-X parking sensor and software is the foundation of a smart parking system. It enables real-time data, enforcement alerting, wayfinding, actionable analytics and a positive parking experience and easily integrates with other technologies.
Key Features
- Real-time stall occupancy status
- Historical usage data collection
- Industry leading accuracy
- Ultra-long life (think up to 10 years, not 3)
- Lowest cost per stall
- Variety of analytics and insights
- Easy integration with other technologies
- Integrated device management
Key Retrieval
After your order is fulfilled, you will receive an email from CalChip Connect with instructions on how to retrieve the LoRaWAN® EUIs and keys for your sensor devices. Subject line of the email will be: "CalChipConnect Order - Important information to use your sensors".
Technical Documentation
Download Datasheet