Manufacturers large and small are discovering the benefits of IoT to optimize equipment and enhance worker safety. CalChip Connect can create the solutions you need to keep both running at peak performance.
We connect the IoT dots to provide:
Environmental monitoring including temperature, humidity, and water leaks to provide constant feedback in every corner of your facility
Access monitoring and people counting to keep you informed of activity from the manufacturing floor to the tool crib
Worker monitoring to provide or restrict access, and ensure maximum safety around the facility
Noise monitoring to maintain OSHA requirements
Worker safety solutions to protect everyone on the manufacturing line
Asset tracking to help prevent theft while monitoring valuables such as tools and supplies
Predictive maintenance monitoring that assures all service intervals are met from HVAC to manufacturing equipment
Help buttons to provide a fast, immediate, and reliable way workers to contact your facility in the event of an emergency or for plant floor communications
Pest control with smart monitoring traps that stop rodents before they do damage to expensive equipment
Peace-of-mind with real-time status and alerts through mobile and desktop applications