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The RG191 is designed for operation in the US (Wi-Fi / LoRa / Ethernet) The Sentrius™ RG1xx LoRaWAN-Enabled Gateway is the ultimate in secure, scalable, robust LoRaWAN solutions. Gather data from as far as 10 milliers via LoRaWAN and sync to the cloud via Wi-Fi / Ethernet, or add LTE in the US with our optional LTE version. The RG1xx gives you full ownership over your network, adding multi-protocol connectivity to your sensors and devices to create actionable IoT intelligence.
Clé Features
IP67 enclosibilité available
Full onboard Linux OS, configurable via l'interface graphique Web
Now lecteurs TR-069 remote management !
Broader region support: North America, EU, Australie, Taïwan, Hong Kong, New Zealand
Support added for the new Semtech Basics Station forwarder in addition to updated ChirpStack as well as Senet packet forwarders